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  • João Paulo Lucas Donas Botto Sousa Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Foz-Côa
No. 3 (2012), Articles, pages 243-258
Submitted: Feb 27, 2018 Accepted: Feb 27, 2018 Published: Mar 1, 2012
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Travelling through Foz-Coa is to travel through two World Heritage Sites, is to go through the tracks of memory and contemplate the beautiful forms of nature, history and Paleolithic art. More than a platitude or cliché, the fight and the epic clashes of the past with the present make these people resistant, genuine heroes and builders of dreams and hope. The missed opportunities quickly become captive eyes, and the landscapes of rugged slopes of the Douro and Coa, with its vineyards, were only, in the past, opened windows to imagination and creativity. If the Coa Museum tells a story with an unusual immaterial wealth and terraces of Douro breathe an ancient unique civilization, then we can leverage sustainable tourism idealizing a combination of these two factors.


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Donas Botto Sousa, J. P. L. (2012). Art, culture and tradition in Vila Nova de Foz-Côa. DEDiCA. Revista De Educação E Humanidades, (3), 243–258.