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  • Anabela Panão Ramalho Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
  • João Góis Ramalho Instituto Superior Bissaya Barreto
No. 4 (2013), Articles, pages 187-197
Submitted: Feb 20, 2018 Accepted: Feb 20, 2018 Published: Mar 1, 2013
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The phenomenon of the ageing population in contemporary Portuguese society requires social measures which are being cut back in the current economic crisis which is affecting the Social State, impeding it from fulfilling the role conferred upon it by the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.

In this study we attempt to identify and characterize the legal evolution of the concept of social policies involved in the welfare of the elderly within the Portuguese Social State, analysing the legal and social measures that have been put in place, measures that have become urgent, taking into account that this stage of life is one that all humans must undergo, and therefore measures which are all the more necessary as the population continues to age.

We will reflect upon the support given to the families of old people by social solidarity institutions, and upon the importance of training professionals in Social Gerontology at its different academic levels (degree and master’s degree), whose expertise will be invaluable for the development of the services offered by these institutions.


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How to Cite

Panão Ramalho, A., & Góis Ramalho, J. (2013). The Legal Framework of Ageing in Portugal. DEDiCA. Journal of Education and the Humanities, (4), 187–197.