The video games as learning tools. An experience of innovation with the Mozart opera
video games, opera, primary school, educational innovationAbstract
The following proposal is framed in the educational innovation project IEDUCARTS (interdisciplinarity in arts education) at the University of Valencia. It consists of working on opera through video games editor e-adventure in the primary classroom. Through video games teachers acquire new teaching methodologies promoting active, autonomous and collaborative learning of students from a constructivist approach. It also allows teachers to tune into the interests of students through strategies that include visual and hearing representations. The experience is carried out with 75 students of the 3rd year of primary education during the first quarter of the current year. The results indicate that the use of video games to bring opera to students has generated deep experiences of learning such as personal construction, autonomy, and discovery, without exercising any kind of negative or harmful impact to the user such as violence or addiction. Thus, we intend to make the teacher into a researcher who considers their own practice of including emerging innovative tools in the classroom. The use of video games does not generate improvement of educational process if they are not accompanied by a coherent curriculum design work.Downloads
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