Art installation as a space of dramatic transit and cruelty


  • María Fernández Vázquez Universidad de Zaragoza



art, theatre, art installation, Theatre of Cruelty, Artaud, limit as a dramatic and habitable space of art


This paper arises from the artist-investigator's most demanding need for creation, for innovation, for transgression and it is, obviously, another analysis about the experience of limit.

The investigation focuses on the encounter of plastic arts and scenic arts.

Its aim is to analyse the way some contaminate the others and how at the same time there is mutual feedback, which leads to their transformation. Starting out from the relationship between “Art” and “Life”, there is a search for the way in which those limits fade or disappear, with examples from contemporary art and theatre that dissolve boundaries. The starting point is Artaud's work and thought and their influence on the art and theatre from the 60s and 70s up to the present day. Going back to the search for “cruelty”, we highlight the importance of Derrida and Sontag's analysis and thinking on contemporary art, which take us to the three axes that shape our proposal about the theatrical fact in Art: space, time and the spectator. We wish to understand the way in which artistic environment makes room for theatrical elements, and we propose the Installation as a space for creation where the spectator is the protagonist and the work is the antagonist.


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How to Cite

Fernández Vázquez, M. (2016). Art installation as a space of dramatic transit and cruelty. DEDiCA. Journal of Education and the Humanities, (9), 75–90.


