Measures of reconciliation of professional and family life: a case study in a higher education institution


  • Isabel Silva Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
  • Cláudia Andrade Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra



role reconciliation, support, Higher Education, case study


The way organizations develop and implement policies promoting the reconciliation of work and family life has been the subject of attention of several studies that highlight the importance of these measures for both the private sector and public sector institutions. These measures and practices that facilitate the reconciliation between professional and family life are identified by various studies in different social and cultural contexts, as inducers of improving organizational performance and employee´s satisfaction. In this study, using a questionnaire developed for this purpose, 24 non-teaching employees of a higher education institution were asked about the adopted organizational practices that facilitate the reconciliation of work and family life. The results highlighted a low perception of negative spillover from work to family and the existence of a culture of support (organizational, supervisor and peers support). The results are analyzed in the light of the importance that measures and organizational practices pose to human resource management area and, more broadly, for organizational development.


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How to Cite

Silva, I., & Andrade, C. (2016). Measures of reconciliation of professional and family life: a case study in a higher education institution. DEDiCA. Journal of Education and the Humanities, (10), 175–195.


