Analysis of adults’ attitudes towards refugee children: the case of Greece, Spain and Puerto Rico
attitudes, education, racism, refugeesAbstract
Armed conflicts and persecution, which reached their peak in 2015, have caused a new record in the number of people forced to leave their homes. In Greece, 66,966 asylum seekers were registered during the fiscal year of 2018, while in Spain the first five months of 2019 saw more than 45,000 people applying for international protection. In the United States, 53,691 people were recognized as refugees during 2017. Globally, it is considered that more than 50% of refugees are minors, who are subjects of rights established by international standards, such as the right to education. This research measures the attitudes of Greek, Spanish and Puerto Rican adults towards refugee minors using a quantitative survey. In total, 215 Greeks, 180 Spanish and 140 Puerto Ricans participated. The results show that most of the participants respect the rights of the minor refugees. In the same way, the data revealed that they have a positive attitude regarding the reception of refugee minors.
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