Template for Articles

All submissiond must be made using the Template for Articles

Anti-plagiarism policy

In compliance with the provisions of our code of ethics and in order to guarantee the originality of the manuscripts submitted for evaluation, our journal will apply the specific anti-plagiarism software to each of the works that, by meeting the minimum criteria of the preliminary review, will be submitted to the review process.

The submission will be rejected in case of detecting practices of plagiarism or scientific fraud, either during the preliminary review or once the external peer review and / or editorial review has begun.


  • Editorial Universidad de Granada
  • Grupo de Investigación HUM-672 AREA (Análisis de la Realidad EducativA) - Universidad de Granada

Journal History

DEDiCA. REVISTA DE EDUCAÇÃO E HUMANIDADES (DEDiCA. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND THE HUMANITIES) is a scientific journal specialised in the publishing of essays on the fields of Education, Humanities and Arts. Its essential feature is the promotion and sharing of processes and results related to research and scientific production conducted on the fields of Education and the Humanities.

The journal takes its name, DEDiCA, from the Research Group HUM-742 D.E.Di.C.A. (Desarrollo Educativo de las Didácticas en la Comunidad Andaluza), of the Secretaría General de Universidades, Investigación y Tecnología de la Consejeria de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía; this research group was created by the Scientific Responsible of the Journal, Dr. María Angustias Ortiz Molina, in 2002, whom was responsible for it until May 2012, when her voluntary resignation to the post was accepted by the Junta de Andalucía. From its creation until the resignation to the direction of this Research Group by Dr. Ortiz Molina (2002-2012), it belonged to the Department of Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal of the University of Granada (Spain), included in the Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, of the same University, in Granada. Subsequently, and after the arrival of another Director, the Research Group HUM-742 changed its name, moved its headquarters and changed the lines of research, but the scientific journal maintains the same name and editorial grounds.

Currently, the journal is under the patronage of Research Group HUM-672 A.R.E.A. (Análisis de la Realidad EducativA), based in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the University of Granada.

DEDiCA. REVISTA DE EDUCAÇÃO E HUMANIDADES has an annual periodicity (it was semiannual from nº 11 to 16) and has adopted the continuous publication system since nº 17. According to the Governing Board's decision, several special issues will also be released, when appropriate.