Vol. 56 No. 2 (2017)

Published: 2017-08-03

Table of contents

Biogeographical evolution of the southermost populations of chilean mediterranean forest with native palms (Jubaea chilensis (Mol.) Baillon)

  • Victor Guillermo Quintanilla Perez
  • Pedro José Lozano Valencia
  • David Cristel Gómez Montblanch
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 6-25

Healing practices and medicinal plants: an approach to the ethnomedicine of San Nicolás, Mexico

  • María Cristina Chávez Mejía
  • Laura White Olascoaga
  • Sergio Moctezuma Pérez
  • Francisco Hererra Tapia
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 26-47

Treatment of Andalusian urban river areas in territorial and sectoral management

  • David González Rojas
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 72-93

Spatiotemporal behavior of the population as an approach to analyze urban structure: the case of Metropolitan Barcelona

  • Carlos Carlos Marmolejo
  • Jorge Cerda Troncoso
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 111-133

Remittance determinants and usages in Mexican households. The case of the Estado de Mexico in 2010

  • Ana Melisa Pardo Montaño
  • Claudio Alberto Dávila-Cervantes
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 134-154

Profile and main characteristicsof the final beneficiaries of Rural Development Programmesof Andalusia. LEADER+ and PRODER2 (2000-2006)

  • Eugenio Cejudo García
  • Francisco Antonio Navarro Valverde
  • José Antonio Camacho Ballesta
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 155-175

Rethinking the housing policy in rural regions: a comprehensive approach based on physical and socioeconomic characteristics at the municipal scale in Castilla-La Mancha

  • Eloy Solís Trapero
  • Vicente Romero de Ávila Serrano
  • Amparo Moyano Enríquez de Salamanca
  • José María Coronado Tordesillas
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 176-199

The urban growth in the Valley of Jalón (Alicante) (1978-2016). Land and social repercussions due to the urban diffusion process from the coast

  • Alvaro Francisco Morote Seguido
  • María Hernández Hernández
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 200-222

Urban expansion and territorial cohesion in the process of constructing the metropolitan city in Andalusia

  • Gwendoline De Oliveira Neves
  • Claudia Hurtado Rodriguez
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 223-244

The Demand of Film Tourism of Festivals. The Case of Festival of Latin-American Cinema of Huelva

  • David Flores Ruiz
  • Celia Sánchez López
  • María de la O Barroso González
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 245-262

Sorting PDO wine districts within the tipology of worlds of production: a case study for Spain.

  • José Luis Sánchez Hernández
  • Eugenio Climent López
  • Susana Ramírez García
  • Valeriano Rodero González
  • Blanca Loscertales Palomar
  • Consuelo Del Canto Fresno
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 263-282

Evolution and current situation of the railway network in Andalusia

  • Antonio Gavira Narváez
  • Jesús Ventura Fernández
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 283-305

Electrification, rural development and Buen Vivir. An analysis from the experience of rural territories of Taday and Rivera (Ecuador)

  • Diana Rosa Mendieta Vicuña
  • Jaime Escribano Pizarro
  • Javier Esparcia Pérez
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 306-327

Reseña de Global Change and Human Mobility

  • Pedro Reques Velasco
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 329-331

Reseña de El Trasvase Tajo-Segura. Propuestas para su continuidad y futuro

  • Ramón Martínez Medina
Published: Aug 3, 2017
Pages 332-334