Specifics of Ethnic and Individual Associativity in Phytonyms in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Novels


  • Marina V. Kutieva Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)




phytonym, symbol association, García Márquez


This article discusses the nouns related to the world of plants (trees, flowers, and fruits), which in works of G. Garcia Marquez have rich associative potential. We give special attention to the specificity of implicit associations developing from the original semantics of these words and creating unique images of magical realism. The association instigated by names of tropical trees and their fruit, shrubs, grasses and flowers are conditioned by ethno-cultural specificity of the reality vision. In an aesthetic space of García Márquez novels, plants become identifiers of protagonists, their feelings and events determining their destinies.


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Author Biography

Marina V. Kutieva, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)

cátedra de las lenguas extranjeras N2


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How to Cite

Kutieva, M. V. (2018). Specifics of Ethnic and Individual Associativity in Phytonyms in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Novels. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 14, 107–119. https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v14i0.6462


