Cognitive and Pragmatic Potential of Eorthonyms in Russian and Spanish Paremic Discourses
eorthonyms, paremic discourse, cognitive science, pragmaticsAbstract
The article examines the pragmatic identity of eorthonyms in Russian and Spanish paremic discourses from a cognitive and discursive viewpoint. Basing on the classification of small paremiological units the research defines the meaning of linguocultural constants in them, as well as reveals the formats for the implementation of communicative and pragmatic functions. For the first time the study presents the results of a comparative analysis of the cognitive-pragmatic potential of eorthonyms in compact folklore forms in Russian and Spanish languages. The paper focuses on a developed comparative reference-evaluation typology of paremias with eorthonyms and highlights the role of religious holidays in Russian and Spanish paremiological cultures, as well as estimates the linguocultural differential that may be important for interpretation. The hypothesis is confirmed that eorthonyms in Russian and Spanish paremias are complex linguocultural and cognitive-pragmatic phenomena that perform orienting, chrononymic, communicative, evaluative and reference functions.Downloads
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