“Porque es preciso que aya caballería”: the plan of the dukes of Medina Sidonia for the movilization of a chivalry permanent force in Andalusia (1634-1640)
Medina Sidonia, Andalusia, Defense, Army, 17th century, Nobility, Cavalry forcesAbstract
Between 1634 and 1639 the Dukes of Medina Sidonia, captain generals of the Andalusian coast, put forward several proposals for the mobilization of permanent volunteer cavalry corps in the region at no cost to the Crown. In order to ensure a successful implementation, those residents willing to provide their horses and weapons would be granted exemptions and privileges. Among the most remarkable concessions of the Dukes was granting titles of nobility. This paper looks at the precedents, the nature of the proposals put forward by the Dukes to Philip IV, the obstacles the Court encountered in the process of implementation and the discussion prompt about the viability of the plan. This discussion is particularly focused on the question of the noble concession and the need of a higher degree of commitment by the noble class as a monarch’s weapons supplier. All within the context of the increase in the tax burden in Castile and the military policy carried out by the Spanish Monarchy in the assessed period.
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