Dionisio Ridruejo and his artistic ideas in the frame of first franchism


  • José Luis de la Nuez Santana Profesor Titular de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid




Francoism, cultural magazines, political art, Eugenio d’Ors, Venice Biennale, magazine Escorial, Revista, Dionisio Ridruejo


We study in this article the contribution of the Spanish intellectual Dionisio Ridruejo to the world of the arts during the forties and fifties (first Francoism). The fundamental objective of this research has been to analyze and locate Ridruejo’s artistic thinking in the difficult and changing cultural context of the Franco dictatorship, also attending to his dissident position that will end in clear confrontation with the Regime. The study includes three fundamental moments of his intellectual trajectory during this period: the first corresponds to the years in which he directed the magazine Escorial, the second to his stay in Rome as correspondent of the newspaper Arriba, and the last, to the years during which directed Revista, of Barcelona.



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How to Cite

de la Nuez Santana, J. L. (2018). Dionisio Ridruejo and his artistic ideas in the frame of first franchism. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 49, 267–283. https://doi.org/10.30827/caug.v49i0.7759


