The ruses of the “narcotic image”. Survivals of surrealism in Buñuel and Giacometti




André Breton, Louis Aragon, Images, Surrealism, Alberto Giacometti, Luis Buñuel, Viridiana


Surrealist practices had at their core what Louis Aragon called «the narcotic image». But the image as practiced in the urban space, which was conceived as a reservoir of dreams. The space that, after World War II, semmed to be obliterated by the development of the audiovisual archive. Through the examples of Buñuel and Giacometti, this article aims to show how surrealism survived in the work of two surrealists who were key actors during the interwar period, but whose work underwent profound transformations afterwards. In this way, it shows how the lessons of surrealism continue to be present, if not to vertebrate, the practice of both of them.


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How to Cite

Cabello Padial, G. (2024). The ruses of the “narcotic image”. Survivals of surrealism in Buñuel and Giacometti. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 55, 139–156.



Dosier Surrealismo