Thousand-pointed stars. Physical signs of genius in surrealism




Star, genius, portrait, surrealism, artistic identity, trace, médium, André Breton, André Masson, Max Ernst, Toyen, Paris, 20th century


This article addresses the analysis of those portraits of surrealist artists in which their genuine condition has been presented through a physical symbol, a star. Assuming the statement by Raymond Roussel, an author admired by the movement, according to which “the star on the forehead” was the distinctive corporealism of the genius, we will explore why surrealism returns to this iconography. We will start from the famous photograph by Marcel Duchamp in which the author appears with a tonsured star on the crown of his head to relate it to others and show that the reflection on artistic subjectivity went beyond this notable case and that there were many artists who, like Duchamp, used the star for this.


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How to Cite

Sousa Pardo, C. (2024). Thousand-pointed stars. Physical signs of genius in surrealism. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 55, 23–38.



Dosier Surrealismo