The image of the flamenco dancer and the Warburgian ‘pathos’ formula




flamenco dancer, nymph, Pathosformel, Aby Warburg, Andalucía, Antique Age


The following article deals with the analysis of the flamenco dancer archetype, taking as a reference the Pathosformel’s theoretical ideas developed by Aby Warburg. In that terms, an apparent equivalence has been supposed to outline between the andalucian figure and the classic nymph, therefore the study of moving images has been essential when it comes to understand them as a survivor rhizome in the interiority of the cultural collective memory. In such way, it could be concluded that the energy emitted by the movements of the flamenco dancer could be, consequently, the evocation of the tragic pleasure of the dionysian dances of the pagan Antique Age; the reminiscence of the catharsis through the corporal grammar of the flamenco dance.


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How to Cite

Antón Valencia, M. (2023). The image of the flamenco dancer and the Warburgian ‘pathos’ formula. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 54, 2–21.


