González Moreno and the Mediterranean in the Archconfraternity of the Blood of Murcia





Mediterraneanity, religious sculpture, classicism, modernity, Juan González Moreno, Archicofradía de la Sangre, Murcia, 20th century


After the Civil War and in the face of the need to recover the lost religious heritage, several sculptors emerged in Murcia who opted for a novel language within what an expression as traditionalist as imagery can allow, highlighting the figure of Juan González Moreno and his works for the brotherhoods of Holy Week. In this article we present two of his great creations from the fifties, the culminating point of his career, for the former Archconfraternity of the Blood of Murcia, bearing in mind the different bibliographic sources on this subject, as well as the documentation found in the archive of the Arch Confraternity for an effective analysis of the insertion of a dialectic that, to its qualities inserted in classicism, contributes large doses of modernity.


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Author Biography

Antonio Zambudio Moreno, UNED, Cartagena

Profesor - Tutor del Centro Asociado a la UNED de Cartagena. Doctor en Historia del Arte por la UNED obteniendo la calificación de Cum Laude.


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How to Cite

Zambudio Moreno, A. (2022). González Moreno and the Mediterranean in the Archconfraternity of the Blood of Murcia. Cuadernos De Arte De La Universidad De Granada, 53, 223–238. https://doi.org/10.30827/caug.v53i0.24678


