The militance of theory


  • Michael HARDT



Theory, Critique, Michel Foucault, Kant, Cinics, Biopolitics


Critique has become the primary mode of practicing theory, at least theory conceived as a political intervention, and yet I sense today a growing dissafection with the political capacities of critique. The term critique, of course, covers a wide variety of practices: relatively generic means of fault finding, methods to question the truth of authority, techniques to reveal the figures of power that operate in dominant discourses or ideologies, and even the specific Kantian procedures of investigating the limits of human understanding, reason, or judgement. The differences among these modes of critique are significant, but all of them today face the charge that they are insufficient as political methods insofar as they lack the capacity both to transform the existing structures of power and to create alternative social arrangements. In the very last period of his life, Michel Foucault articulated as an alternative to critique a form of philosophical and political militancy that offers rich posibilities for theory now.


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How to Cite

HARDT, M. (2018). The militance of theory. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 1(1), 17–34.



Special Issue: Jonathan Culler: Theory now and again.