Celan Root. Poem - Language - Abyss


  • Itziar Romera Catalán Universidad de Granada




Celan, Language, Direction, Poem, Abyss, Lyric of disaster, Poetic reality


In Raíz Celan. Poema – Lengua – Abismo José Manuel Cuesta Abad and Carlota Fernández-Jáuregui Rojas observe the poetic work of Paul Celan from his own poetic thinking about the borderline experience of language in modern poetry. In this study, an approach of grat theoretical and literary deph is elaborated, according to which poetic reality will be the response of an impossible dialogue with the extra-human, with the unspeakable that from an unattainable place calls for speech, experience that constitutes the disaster of language. With this, Cuesta Abad and Rojas address issues of Celan's poetics and hermeneutics, as well as vital events and encounters with great names in philosophy such as Adorno or Heidegger, moving away from explanatory or biographical interpretations to focus on how each of these elements fed the construction of the Celanian lyric of disaster.


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Celan, P. Obras completas, Madrid, Trotta, 1999.

____. “La rosa de Nadie” Obras completas, Madrid, Trotta,1999, pp. 167-178.

____. “Diálogo de la montaña”. Obras completas, Madrid, Trotta, 1999, pp. 483-486.

____. Microlitos. Aforismos y textos en prosa, Madrid, Trotta, 2015.

Cuesta Abad, J. M. y Fernández-Jáuregui Rojas, C. Raíz Celan. Poema - Lengua - Abismo, Madrid, Trotta, 2022.

Derrida, J. El monolingüismo del otro o la prótesis del origen, Buenos Aires, Manantial, 1997.



How to Cite

Romera Catalán, I. (2022). Celan Root. Poem - Language - Abyss. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 5(2), 223–228. https://doi.org/10.30827/tn.v5i2.25755


