Roland Barthes' other self


  • Mohammad Reza Fallah Nejad Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Phantom, other, Roland Barthes, Proust.


The last years of Barthes's life are influenced by the mourning and the death of his mother. He commented under her photo at the Winter's Garden. Then he expressed the love he had for his family by describing their absence. By recalling those loved ones, the writer is in truth looking for his own identity. The author was introduced to the novel through the poetic instant or the haiku and came back to the body of the artist, just like a literature whose death he fears. He tries so, just like the phoenix, to reborn from the ashes by taking the path of romantic creation and repeating the sounds of the words Roland Barthes.


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Author Biography

Mohammad Reza Fallah Nejad, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

Professeur assistant



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How to Cite

Fallah Nejad, M. R. (2020). Roland Barthes’ other self. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(1), 102–112.



Monográfico:"Self-writing: an Ethopoietic Practice"