The order of bodies: strategies of resistance at the intersection of discourse and body throughout the concept of heterotopia


  • Olivia Tersigni Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Université Paris Nanterre-SOPHIAPOL



Hétérotopie, Corps, Langage, Archéologie, Discours


During the Sixties, throughout his archaeological analysis, Foucault was interested to find out the network of statements which organises and determines the “order of things” at a given period of European culture. In the following decade Foucault’s research changed focus, as he approached to the activists gather around the prisons issue, he began to devote his attention to the genealogy of the power that controls and directs the practice of everyday life in a modern state. Foucault’s thought further changed in his lasts works, where the french philosopher tries to articulate a strategy of auto-determination of the subject, focusing on the study of ancient ars erotica. While the works on discourse analysis were based on the study of relationships between statements, showing how the language determines the representation of the world, in the inquiries on genealogy of power and in the investigation on the hermeneutic of subject, the body occupies a central place. This article aims to show the articulation of the strategy of resistance to both discourse objectivation and subject normalisation, establishing a connection under the key concept of heterotopia between foucauldian linguistic and literary analysis, and practices of re-appropriation of subject’s own body.


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How to Cite

Tersigni, O. (2020). The order of bodies: strategies of resistance at the intersection of discourse and body throughout the concept of heterotopia. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(1), 131–147.



Monográfico:"Self-writing: an Ethopoietic Practice"