About the Journal

1. Aims & Scope

Theory Now is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published biannually. The journal is dedicated to current critical thinking and to the visualization of studies of literary works with a theoretical approach. The works presented here maintain a fruitful dialogue with other disciplines such as comparative literature, philosophy or literary translation studies, among others. On the other hand, the journal is open to studies on any national literature, literary genre or historical period, always from an updated theoretical perspective.

Combining a commitment to rigorous literary thought with a vital concern for dialogue and debate, the journal publishes articles on a wide variety of topics in contemporary criticism and culture. Theory Now provides a forum for cutting-edge thinking while reconsidering traditional concepts and practices.


2. Peer Review Process

The evaluation of works will be carried out by experts external to both the publishing entity and drafting committee. All received articles will be submitted for the evaluation of a minimum of two specialists whose reports will be considered by the drafting committee, the latter of which is ultimately responsible for decisions regarding the publication of works.

The process is double-blind; therefore, the identify of authors as well as reviewers will remain hidden. For this reason, and to ensure the transparency and objectivity of the process, it is asked that authors avoid including information in their works that could reveal their identity. The period for reception of reviews and articles for the miscellaneous section of the journal will remain open all year long. Authors will be notified of the acceptance or dismissal of their work within six months of it being received.

Regarding monographic issues, the period for the submission of articles will be announced in the journal itself as well as through other information channels, and it will remain open for between four and six months. Authors will be notified of the acceptance or dismissal of their works within four months of the close of the submission period.

All authors will receive an email communication from the drafting committee explaining the reasons for the acceptance, revision or dismissal of their work.


3. Open Access Policy

Theory Now is an open and instant access journal that is free of charge to both readers and authors. The journal provides free access to its content on the principle of making research freely available to the public, which promotes wider global knowledge exchange. Authors will not be charged any fees for the submission and editorial process of their papers.

Our journal adheres to the recommendations for the implementation of article 37 Dissemination in Open Access of the Law of Science, Technology and Innovation:

Authors whose contributions are accepted for publication in this journal will retain the non-exclusive right to use their contributions for academic, research and educational purposes, including self-archiving or deposit in open-access repositories of any kind.

Preferably the use of the published version of the scientific contributions (post-print version of the editor) or, failing that, of the post-print version of the author already evaluated and accepted, which will be accessible in open as soon as it is, will be allowed possible, since the magazine does not impose any period of embargo.

Publication costs of the articles: this journal does not charge the authors any cost for the presentation or processing of the articles.


4. Anti-plagiarism policy

Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought maintains a policy against plagiarism that guarantees that our articles have not been published previously. The journal uses the academic tool Turnitin to ensure the originality of all manuscripts. This policy ensures compliance with the same standards of originality maintained by other journals of high international impact.


5. Frequency of publication

Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought will publish one issue every six months, each year during the months of January and July.


6. Declaration of good practices

Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought is committed to guaranteeing the ethics and quality of the articles published with reference to the Code of Conduct and Best Practices for Editors of Scientific Journals defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the CSE's White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines). At the same time, it guarantees an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors, ensuring the quality of published texts, and protecting and respecting the content and integrity of articles.

6. 1. Editorial Board

The editorial board accepts and agrees to follow the following guidelines for good conduct in being part of Theory Now. Theory Now's editorial board is responsible for the scientific quality of the journal. To this end, it consults the editorial board and the scientific and advisory board and ensures that the articles received are evaluated by experts in the field.

The editorial board follows the instructions made public for the receipt and handling of manuscripts and complies with current legislation regarding copyright and plagiarism. During the evaluation process, the editorial board only evaluates the scientific content of the articles. The editorial board first assesses the articles received to decide on their suitability to the areas of knowledge and scientific standards of the journal, and to detect possible cases of plagiarism and redundant publication, using, when necessary.

The editorial board is ultimately responsible for the decision to publish or reject an article. It is responsible for arbitrating in cases of disagreement between reviewers. Its decision will not be modified except in exceptional circumstances. The date of receipt and acceptance of each article will be made public.

Confidentiality clause: the editorial board may only share information regarding submitted manuscripts with the author, reviewers, potential reviewers and others in charge of the publication process.

6. 2. Authors

Authors should submit original articles containing the results of their own research. As a general rule, the author will not submit articles that contain results already published in other works of his/her own, nor will he/she submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time.

Authorship of a manuscript is limited to those persons who have taken part in the process of research and writing of the article. It is the responsibility of the main author to identify other co-authors and collaborators, as well as to ensure that the co-authors have given their approval to the final version of the manuscript.

Authors agree to acknowledge all bibliographic sources used in the research and will acknowledge the bibliographic sources that have made possible the preparation of their work, following the guidelines provided by the journal. It is the author's responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions to partially reproduce material from other publications.

Authors should note any possible conflicts of interest in the submission of their manuscript that may affect the evaluation of their work. The sources of funding for the project that has given rise to the article should also be mentioned.

Errors contained in the manuscripts are the responsibility of the authors, and their correction will be requested by them to the journal and they will cooperate in their correction.

Authors will provide their professional contact information to be used during the process of evaluation and, if necessary, publication of the article.

6. 3. Peer Reviewers

Articles submitted to Theory Now, once they have passed the editorial board's assessment of their suitability for the contents of the journal, are submitted to a double-blind peer review system. The peer reviewers assist the editorial board in editorial decisions and collaborate with the author to improve their work, if necessary. Their work is essential for the scientific quality of the journal.

The selected reviewers must state whether they are qualified to review the proposed article and whether they can deliver the evaluation within the proposed deadline.

The reviewers undertake to substantiate their report and to express their criticisms and suggestions in a clear and reasoned manner, making use of secondary bibliography if necessary. Evaluators may identify in their reports relevant publications not included in the articles, to support their evaluation or to suggest their inclusion in the text.

When possible, reviewers identify relevant sources that have not been cited by the authors. If they are aware of any substantial similarity between the manuscript and any other publication, they inform the editor.

The reviewers declare possible cases of conflict of interest due to competitiveness, collaboration or other relationships of connection with the authors or institutions linked to the article submitted to them.

In case of detecting plagiarism or any practice that violates this declaration, reviewers undertake to immediately notify the editorial board through the editor.

Any manuscript received by the reviewer is treated as a confidential document. It is not shown or discussed with anyone unless authorized by the editorial board. Privileged information obtained in the evaluation process is considered confidential and is not used to the advantage of the evaluators or members of the journal.

