Vol. 7 No. 12 (2017)

January-june 2017

Published: 2017-06-28

Table of contents

The relationship between research and social intervention: voices from chilean social work

  • Gianinna Muñoz-Arce
  • Natalia Hernández-Mary
  • Camila Véliz-Bustamante
Published: Jun 23, 2017
Pages 3-24

The social protection systems in Portugal and Brazil: a Social Work agenda summary

  • Tatiane-Lúcia Valduga
  • Tatiana-Dantas Calmon
  • Cláudia-Priscila Santos
Published: Jun 23, 2017
Pages 25-46

Role of social workers in a context of crisis: adaptation opportunities to change

  • Marta García-Domingo
  • Eva Sotomayor-Morales
Published: Jun 23, 2017
Pages 47-68

Relationship between self steem and gender violence. A study with native and migrated women in spanish territory

  • Trinidad Donoso-Vázquez
  • Esther Luna-González
  • Anna Velasco-Martínez
Published: Jun 23, 2017
Pages 93-119

Rethinking Social Work in times of economic and financial crisis in Portugal

  • Maria-Irene Carvalho
  • Carla Pinto
  • Jorge Lopes-da-Costa
  • Cristina Duarte
  • Ana-Paula Garcia
Published: Jun 23, 2017
Pages 120-145