First artist publications at the Sala d’Art Jove (2007-2011): cooperative and editorial work as training tools
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This text highlights the contributions and transfers between artists’ publications in emerging art and generic artists’ book practices, all of which underwent a process of renewal in Spain during the second part of the 2000s. The text focuses on the first editions of the Sala d’Art Jove platform in Barcelona, beginning in 2007. These publications were understood as training processes and served to test different, experimentation models regarding the co-creation of contents, the role of catalogues as tools for the expansion of exhibitions, and the dissemination of artists’ books beyond art institutions. All of these issues are closely related with the transformations that Spanish artist publications underwent during this period, with the redefinition of roles in editorial production, with the rise of transdisciplinarity in the publishing process, and with the expansion of artists’ publications into territories that were not strictly artistic.