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  • Gloria Picazo Ayuntamiento de Lleida. Centro de Arte La Panera
Vol. 3 (2017), Panorama, pages 104-110
Submitted: Jan 30, 2017 Accepted: May 17, 2017 Published: Jun 29, 2017
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In this text, Gloria Picazo reflects on the diffusion and presentation of artists’ books in museums and art centers. The starting point is her experience in this matter, resulting from her term as director of the Centre d’Art la Panera de Lleida. This paper analyzes exhibitions and editorial projects that focus on artists’ publications and their production, exhibition and dissemination, such as those by Francesc Ruiz, Ana García Pineda, Fito Conesa or the Panera on Line project. There, different curators present, in video format, a selection of publications that belong to the funds of the Documentation Center of La Panera.


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How to Cite

Picazo, Gloria. 2017. “Artists’ Publications: Expanded Editions and the Challenges of Exhibiting Them”. SOBRE 3 (June):104-10.