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  • Editor Sobre
Vol. 10 (2024), EditLabs, pages 168-205
Submitted: Jan 30, 2024 Accepted: Jan 30, 2024 Published: Jan 31, 2024
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Within the framework of the research project "Contemporary Dynamics of Communication in Art and Architecture" ref. B-HUM-294-UGR20, Junta de Andalucía, and the SOBRELab platform, in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Master's in Research and Production in Art, the research group Artistic Culture and Artistic Heritage HUM 222, and the Mediterranean Center CEMED at the University of Granada, the III ENCUENTROS SOBRE_ Contemporary Dynamics in Art Communication were held from March 13 to 17, 2023, at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Granada. The program of the encounters unfolded in two phases: the first focused on training and immersive practice, in collaboration with CEMED, offering a program of three practical workshops open to the community. Subsequently, the "Contemporary Dynamics of Communication in Art" sessions took place, featuring selected contributions through blind peer review, with researchers from various Spanish and foreign universities participating. The sessions concluded with an open roundtable involving workshop leaders, speakers, and attendees. The transcripts of the discussions from this roundtable can be found in the section Correspondencias, within this issue of the journal SOBRE. We present here the summaries of the three workshops and the papers participating in the III ENCUENTROS SOBRE


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How to Cite

Sobre, Editor. 2024. “III Encuentros SOBRE: Contemporary Dynamics in Art Communication. Granada, March, 2023”. SOBRE 10 (January):168-205.