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Vol. 10 (2024), Panorama, pages 73-82
Submitted: Jun 26, 2023 Accepted: Dec 13, 2023 Published: Jan 31, 2024
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Artistic communication with the emergence of various virtual platforms has overturned a physical system whose structure has been professionally stratified for decades. With artistic publications on the web, a universe of possibilities arises that goes far beyond mere publicity and promotion; a new system emerges in which new rules are outlined. Artistic mediation reinterprets the hermeneutics of the work in a metaverse that can no longer be dissociated from the physical universe of art. This determinism must modulate the introductory contextualisation of the work —especially of the cartouche— adapting its language to the medium for its adequate apprehension by the spectator. With the broad analysis of virtual tools, the information provided so far is implemented in the work itself, giving rise to a new methodology of how this mediation should be introduced, translated, and shaped, with the consequent new replicable standard.


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How to Cite

Eiras Martínez, Jose. 2024. “Meta[di]verse: Artistic Context on the Web”. SOBRE 10 (January):73-82.