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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission (or significant parts of it) has not been published previously and is not being considered by other journals while awaiting the decision of the Journal.
    • The text has been created using the templates for manuscripts
    • It is within the maximum length permitted by the Journal: 8,000 words for research articles, 6,000 words for studies, proposals and experiences and 1,000 words for reviews.
    • It includes an abstract of up to 250 words in Spanish and its translation into English.
    • The tables and figures are presented in the corresponding place throughout the text, in accordance with the APA 7th Edition.
    • If tables or figures from other publications are reproduced, the source must be cited in accordance with the APA 7th Edition.
  • The references are presented according to the guidelines of the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the APA.


Publicaciones is a biennial scientific and cultural journal published by the University of Granada with legal deposit GR-94-2001 and ISSN 1577-4147. It has been published on a regular basis since 1981, previously as the journal of the former Primary Teacher Training School of Melilla (ISSN: 0214-1515) and it is the oldest of the journals published by the different departments of the University of Granada.

The Journal uses the Double Blind Peer Review system in accordance with the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the APA (American Psychological Association). Publicaciones forms part of the following databases and documentary resources:

WOS (ESCI)SCOPUS (SJR), ERIH PLUS, DOAJ, MLA Directory of Periodicals (Modern Language Association of America Directory of Periodicals), ISOC; DICE; RESH (of the IEDCYT); CREDI (of the OEI); LATINDEX; DIALNET; REBIUN; SUMMAREV; ERCE; +MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals); REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge); IRESIE (Higher Education and Educational Research Journals Index); the Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC; +Junta de Andalucía; DIGIBUG, DULCINEA, Carhus Plus+ and Google Scholar.

The articles published in Publicaciones are deposited in the Institutional Repository of the University of Granada, Digibug, and are therefore protected under Digibug’s Creative Commons Licence 3.0. The documents are uploaded to an open-access network.


Publicaciones accepts original, unpublished scientific contributions in any of the fields that make up the Teacher Training syllabus, whether theoretical or practical. The Journal publishes research projects, reviews, studies and educational experiences (innovation) in these fields.


Publicaciones publishes papers written in Spanish, English and other foreign languages. They must be original and unpublished and not under consideration by any other publication, with the authors being responsible for compliance with this rule. Aspects valued include the topicality, novelty, relevance and originality of the topic chosen, the soundness and validity of the analysis, its presentation and layout and the international relevance of the proposal.

The maximum length of original manuscripts is 8,000 words, including references, figures, tables, appendices and abstracts. Studies and experiences are also accepted with a maximum length of 5,000 words.




In addition to the anonymised manuscript, a file must also be sent via OJS specifying the full name of the author, their workplace, postal address, email address and telephone number, ORCID code and a brief CV. It is mandatory to indicate whether the author is the holder of a doctorate (include Dr. before the name). The person responsible for correspondence and the institution to which they belong (where applicable) must also be specified.

The Journal provides periodic updates regarding the review process and the actual publication process.

If the manuscript has deficiencies in terms of the subject material or formal requirements, the Editorial Committee will definitively reject the work. In the case of minor deficiencies, it will be returned to the author/s for correction prior to commencing the review process.


The manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by two experts in the field of study and/or methodology used. The aim of the review system is to ensure objectivity and neutrality. A double blind peer review process is accordingly used to ensure that the identity of the author is unknown and that there is no communication with the reviewers.

Based on the reports of the reviewers, a decision will be made to accept or reject the manuscripts or to recommend any necessary amendments to the original content, where applicable. In the event of disagreement between the reviewers, the manuscript will be submitted to other reviewers.

The time taken to complete the reviews is consonant with the number of manuscripts the Journal currently receives, as is the case with the majority of journals of its nature.

The authors will receive the reports of the reviewers anonymously for them to make the necessary corrections. Manuscripts receiving positive reviews but which require amendments will be returned to the publication department with the necessary corrections within a maximum of 15 days.

The authors will receive a printed copy of the publication if the volume in question has been published in this manner.



Microsoft Word for Windows. The maximum length of the manuscripts is 8,000 words for research projects.

Diagrams, drawings, graphs, tables and maps will be included throughout the text in the corresponding place, with captions as indicated in the manuscript templates.

A declaration must be attached stating that the publication is original and is not under consideration by any other journal during the review and publication process.


The papers received will be subject to the report of the Editorial Committee and a double blind peer review process by external reviewers, following which the Journal’s Advisory Committee will make a decision whether or not to publish them.

Authors whose articles are published will receive a free copy of the Journal.

The Management and the Editorial Committee of the Journal are not responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors in their articles.

Types of contributions to the Journal:

  • Articles: These must have a maximum length of 8,000 words, including tables, graphs, references, appendices and abstracts in Spanish and English.
  • Reviews: These must have a maximum length of 1,000 words.
  • Studies, proposals and experiences: These must have a maximum length of 6,000 words.

5.1. Structure of the manuscript

Manuscripts will strictly adhere to the following structure:

  • Title (language of the article). The title should be as illustrative and concise as possible and will be in the original language.
  • Abstract (language of the article). This will have a maximum of 250 words and will provide a concise description of the purpose or objective of the investigation, the methodology used, the most notable results and the conclusions. It must be written in the third person singular.
  • Key words (language of the article). Include four or five terms that are significant and internationally accepted in the field of education to express concepts and content.
  • Title (in English, also compulsory in Spanish if the original is not in this language). The title should be as illustrative and concise as possible.
  • Abstract in English. Maximum of 250 words, with special emphasis on the linguistic quality of the text.
  • Key words in English. Four or five significant and internationally standardised terms will be added.

5.1.1.  In the case of experimental manuscripts, the following structure must be adhered to:

1. Introduction, literature review, theoretical basis: It must include the basis and the objectives of the study, including references, along with a review of the most significant literature in the field at a national and international level. Neither data nor conclusions will be included.

2. Methodology: It will be presented clearly and precisely so that the reader can understand the how the study was conducted. It will include descriptions of samples, the study variables, the instruments and techniques used and the data gathering procedure, along with the type of statistical analysis used. If it is an original methodology, the reasons for its use should be explained.

3. Analysis and results:  This section should highlight the most important observations and the methods used. These will be described without any interpretation or value judgements. The use of tables and figures should be limited to those strictly necessary.

4. Discussion and conclusions: This will summarise the findings, relating own observations with those of other studies of interest, highlighting contributions, limitations and deductions for future research. The conclusions should be related with the objectives of the study, avoiding affirmations and conclusions not supported by the data in the study.

5. References. The references should not include sources not cited in the text. The number of references should be adequate and necessary and they will be presented alphabetically according to the first surname of the author, adding the second surname only in the event that the first surname is very common. In-text citations should be extracted from the original documents, always indicating the first and last page of the paper they are taken from. It will be valued positively if there are not only national references but also international publications, indicating that the study is participating in the international intellectual debate. The references will be listed at the end of the article with an indent of 1.25 cm, according to the latest edition (7th) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).



Notes and acknowledgements will be included at the end of the article before the references.

5.1.2. The structure for reviews is as follows:

  • Reviews may be made of scientific publications or innovations in the ambit of the Journal relating to a relevant specialised topic by prestigious authors from renowned publishers, published a maximum of two years prior to the year of the journal issue. Works of general interest, textbooks and exclusively teaching materials are excluded.
  • The review will consist of both a description and an assessment, with the author offering a critical commentary of the work reviewed.
  • The length of the review will be a maximum of 1,000 words and it will adhere to the same style rules as for articles.
  • The review will begin with the details of the work reviewed: SURNAME(S), A. (year). Title. City: Publishers. xx pp. ISBN: xxxxxxxx.
  • The name of the author of the review will be stated at the end.
  • The following structure must be followed: topic of the work, target public, structure of the work with a summary of each chapter or section, the appendices it contains, comparison with other works in the same subject area and critical commentary by the author of the review.

5.1.3.  Studies, proposals and experiences

  • Maximum length of 6,000 words.
  • The following structure must be followed: introduction and study of the topic, materials and methods, analysis and results, conclusions, references and appendices.


The sections of the body of the text will be numbered using Arabic numbers. The numbering will be structured according to levels as follows:




For citations throughout the text, if the author is mentioned the year will be included in brackets, followed by p. or pp. and the page number(s) separated by a hyphen (2019, p.34) or (2019, pp.34-36). If the author is not mentioned in the text, he/she will be mentioned in brackets followed by a comma and a space, the year, a colon and the page number(s) separated by a hyphen.

Italics will be used without underlining or bold print to highlight a word. No texts may be underlined. Foreign words will be included in italics. No terms will be included in italics and quotation marks at the same time on the basis that it is an unnecessary duplication.

Abbreviations: Only standard universally accepted abbreviations should be used (see: Units, Symbols and Abbreviations). To shorten a term frequently used in the text, the corresponding abbreviation will be placed in brackets the first time it is used. Roman numerals may not be used in the text. The decimal separator will be a full stop and not a comma.


Publicaciones is obliged to detect and report cases of scientific fraud such as fabrication, falsification or data omission, plagiarism and duplicate publication.

The Journal does not accept material that has previously been published. The authors are responsible for obtaining the corresponding permission to partially reproduce material from other publications and citing their origin correctly.

The authors must mention in the methodology of their manuscript that the procedures used to obtain the data have been carried out after obtaining the consent of the owners.

A summary of these guidelines and rules for authors can be found at https://faedumel.ugr.es/pages/investigacion/revistapubli/orientacionesnormas