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Vol. 28 No. 1 (2024): Miscelánea, Contribution, pages 1-24
Submitted: May 1, 2023 Accepted: Dec 5, 2023 Published: Apr 8, 2024
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During the participatory construction of the Global Development Plan of the National University of Colombia (UNAL), the need was identified to strengthen collaborative learning among teachers, who face similar pedagogical problems, but solve them independently, and do not usually share their reflections, learning and results with the academic community. Within this framework, the Pedagogical Innovation Initiatives Incubator Project (I3P) was implemented to invite the academic community to propose innovation projects focused on improving students' learning experiences, participating in an open innovation model as a tactic to promote the formation of Professional Learning Communities (PLC). During the project, 61 innovation initiatives were designed and implemented with the participation of 62 teachers, 197 students, 28 graduates and 17 administrative staff, from 7 sites and 23 faculties, benefiting 4239 students. The evaluation of the application of the innovation model was carried out through the application of an observation rubric to determine the degree of development of the CPAs, and the application of a questionnaire, which was answered by 201 participants. The results indicate that the I3P pedagogical innovation model favors the formation and evolution of CPAs, as long as the participants have common interests and the communication and teamwork processes are properly managed.


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Layton Jaramillo, S. E., Pulido de Castellanos, R., Aguaded Ramírez, E., & Duarte Velasco, Óscar G. (2024). La Evaluación de un modelo de Innovación Pedagógica basado en Comunidades Profesionales de Aprendizaje. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 28(1), 1–24. (Original work published March 22, 2024)