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  • Jesús Valverde-Berrocoso Universidad de Extremadura
  • María José Sosa-Díaz Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 18 No. 3 (2014): Escuela 2.0 y modelo 1.1: Implicaciones en las prácticas del profesorado con TIC, Articles, pages 41-62
Submitted: Nov 30, 2015 Published: Dec 1, 2014
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The integration of digital technologies in the teaching practice is a complex process in which multiple variables involved. This article focuses on the organizational dimension of the school in order to analyze the role of ICT management and coordination teams in the process of introduction and use of technologies. The importance of organizational climate in the implementation of projects of digital education is also considered.  In this study we have applied a qualitative methodology, using multiple case studies and from Grounded Theory. Four schools of Primary Education of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura identified as centers of 'good educational practices with ICT' is selected. We have used techniques of documentation, observation and conversation for data collection The results show that decision making depends on the management teams supported by various figures of coordination. We have identified two models of action in leading management teams, "e-competent" and "laissez faire". The figure of the ICT Coordinator is revealed as a major factor in the promotion, support and teacher training. Moreover, the organizational climate is essential to generate communities of practice and learning to promote the integration of technology in the teaching-learning process. Since the organizational dimension is revealed as a determining factor in the development of digital education projects, we must consider the importance of proper training of teachers with leadership roles in schools.


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Valverde-Berrocoso, J., & Sosa-Díaz, M. J. (2014). E- competent Schools in the 1:1 model. The role of the leadership team, ICT coordinators, and the organizational climate. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 18(3), 41–62. Retrieved from