Forging of autonomous identities in Arab auteur cinema. From the decolonization processes, to the sixties




Cinema, Auteur cinema, Audiovisual sociology, Lebanese cinema, Decolonization


The goal of this research was to demonstrate a relation between the emergence of a Lebanese identity reflected in its cinema, and the process of decolonization. But, after the viewing of the films listed throughout the article, as well as the readings of the works about Arab cinema - carrying out a titanic and laborious research in different libraries and film libraries around the world, as it is impossible to find these titles gathered in one place - it was revealed that the hypothesis did not cover the finding: the correlation between the emergence in all Arab countries’ national cinematographic identity was completely dependent of the decolonization process, as well as they were completely interrelated. Therefore, not only in the case of Lebanese cinema, but all Arab cinemas, were forged during and because of their particular decolonization process. Something that is distilled both from the topics covered in the films, and from their production systems. In addition, this pan-Arab interrelation was decisive for the forging of the subsequent national identities of contemporary Arab cinemas, characterized by giving ample weight to the author's voice, as well as by giving priority to the choice of impactful social themes, both characteristics bequeathed by the emergence of national cinemas during the decolonization processes.


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How to Cite

Hotait Salas, L. (2022). Forging of autonomous identities in Arab auteur cinema. From the decolonization processes, to the sixties. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 71, 163–196.


