Wine, eroticism and nature in Andalusian poetry
Bacchic poetry (khamriyya) was an important part of classical Arabic literature from its origins during pre-Islamic times up through the Nahḍa, and from East to West. Its presence was very significant in al-Andalus, where it would became one of the most culti- vated poetic genres. The pleasant climate and natural environment of al-Andalus were conducive to open-air literary gatherings and prompted poets to combine the theme of wine with the description of nature in their verses, together with the erotic-love topic ad- dressed to the slaves and ephebes who served the wine and provided entertainment during the event. This paper presents an overview of Andalusi khamriyya, offering numerous po- etic testimonies from different times and authors, analyzing the themes that appear in it such as wine itself, its mixtures, places where it was consumed, literary gatherings, charac- ters related to wine, as well as its effects on the drinkers and the utensils in which it was served. The conclusion reached is that the khamriyya genre in al-Andalus does not differ a great deal from its oriental model, although new elements related to nature and eroticism are incorporated.
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