Colaboracionismo mudéjar-morisco en el Reino de Granada. El caso de la Diócesis de Guadix: Los Abenaxara (1489-1580)


  • Carlos Javier Garrido García


XV-XVIth Centuries, Kingdom of Granada, Collaboracionism


In this work the role played by the collaborators in the Granada's society in the end of the XVth. century and the first two thirds of the XVIth., a society deeply marked by the social, cultural and economic oposition between old christians and “moriscos”, is analysed. For this, we will centre on the Abenaxara's family, one of the most importants collaborators of the Bishopric of Guadix. Through a civil and eclesiastical documentation, we will know what was the origin of their collaboration and what was their role in the difficult relations between the “moriscos” and the old christians, relations in what they acted like middlemen.


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How to Cite

Garrido García, C. J. (2013). Colaboracionismo mudéjar-morisco en el Reino de Granada. El caso de la Diócesis de Guadix: Los Abenaxara (1489-1580). Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 48, 121–155. Retrieved from




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