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  • Manuela Cortés García
Vol. 56 (2007), Articles, pages 21-49
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 13, 2007
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Analyses the way the Andalusian musical legacy and its projection in Maghreb is approached in different Spanish works in the field of musicology (XIX to XXI centuries) by specialists in five thematic areas: history, literature, music, philosophy and anthropology. This analysis leads to the call for new research endeavours based on the transmission by theorists and compilers from IX to XIX centuries as well as on the evolution in North African countries, allowing for inter-disciplinary connections in the coverage of present-day situation and problems.


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Cortés García, M. (2007). Reflexiones sobre los trabajos españoles en torno al patrimonio musical andalusí-magrebí (ss. XIX-XXI): nuevos objetivos y planteamientos. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 56, 21–49. Retrieved from