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  • Antonio Fernández Puertas
Vol. 58 (2009), Articles, pages 93-118
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 6, 2009
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Studies the two poems of six verses each, that framed the two cupboards of the Bayt al-Sultan, or Sala de la Barca, in the Palace of Comares of the Alhambra. The text was inscribed in epigraphic borders that surrounded the rectangular cupboards in a √4 proportion. Books and documents were kept in them according to the poetic text which describes this room as a “pavilion of glory” where the sultan himself resided inside his Palace.


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Fernández Puertas, A. (2009). Sala de la Barca en el Palacio de Comares. Los dos poemas de sus alhacenas. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 58, 93–118. Retrieved from