La Diosa Recate: un paradigma de sincretismo religioso del helenismo tardio.


  • José Luis Calvo Martínez Universidad de Granada


Through a study of the Goddess Recate from Resiod to the Magical Papyri, the author of this paper follows the trend of this deity towards her assimilation with other different goddesses as an outstanding paradigm of syncretism in the late Rellenism. After a previous analysis of the main characteristics of late syncretism, followed by an argumentation against the hesiodic authorship of the so called "Hymn to Recate", the author's task is to analyze the different conceptions of Recate in the hymnic literature of the Orphics, the Chaldaean Theurgy and mainly in the Magical Papyri. The latter reveal to what extent Recate became a central figure in late Religion and Magic.


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How to Cite

Calvo Martínez, J. L. (2016). La Diosa Recate: un paradigma de sincretismo religioso del helenismo tardio. Florentia Iliberritana, (3), 71–82. Retrieved from


