Kairos: Intersections Beetween Medicine and Greek-Figured Vases (VI-V BC)


  • Ana Rita Figueira Centro de Estudos Clássicos (Universidade de Lisboa)




kairos, psyche, ethics, Achilles, Greek vases


The guiding question for this study is the following: Why are Achilles’ figurations in Greek pots important for the history of medicine? To answer this question, a reflection on the myth of Psyche is provided, and the coherence arising from the confluence of the materials under examination is considered within the contex of poiesis, iatria, mythological and rational thinking. This content is salient in Empedocles, in whom such questions are particularly relevant for the definition of ethical acts as symptomatologies of the psyche, which is configured through the body in the depictions. By focusing on ethical fury, menis, it will be observed how the figuration of the body mirrors struggles of the soul, indicates the double and the evanescent manifestations of this conception, within the VI-V BC, where new perspectives regarding the human being and the cosmos were central to ancient thinkers and iatroi. As men in wonder at themselves and the cosmos of which they formed part, they observed everything, inferred and reasoned, thus contributing to shaping the landscape of rationality and memory through a sensory and integrating perspective. In this wise, a reflection on the role of Priam as ana-lyst of the psyche is presented. The reception of the embassy of Agamemnon, the ransom of the body of Hector, and the teichoscopy (Iliad 3; 9; 24) will foreground mutually significant homologies with the figurations, and the myth of Psyche.


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How to Cite

Figueira, A. R. (2024). Kairos: Intersections Beetween Medicine and Greek-Figured Vases (VI-V BC). Florentia Iliberritana, 35, 83–118. https://doi.org/10.30827/floril.v35.28917


