Lycia and the Lycians in the Aeneid: Virgil’s Herodotus


  • Lee Fratantuono Maynooth University



Virgil, Herodotus, Lycia, Lycians, Aeneid


Close reading of Virgil’s references to Lycia and the Lycians in his Aeneid reveal the influence of Herodotus’ account of the early history of the people, notably the Lycian migration from Crete to Asia Minor. Virgil’s employment of Lycian lore and Herodotean allusions serves to highlight certain developments in the Roman civil wars, not least the Lycian help afforded to Octavian at Philippi.


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How to Cite

Fratantuono, L. (2024). Lycia and the Lycians in the Aeneid: Virgil’s Herodotus. Florentia Iliberritana, 34, 123–143.


