External Reviewers

Fernando Acale Sánchez


Carmen Adams Fernández
Department of Art History and Musicology, University of Oviedo

Andrés Adroher Auroux
Full Professor, Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of Granada


Juan Agudo Torrico

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Seville


Inmaculada Aguilar Civera
Full Professor, Department of History of Art, University of Valencia

Jose Manuel Aladro Prieto
Permanent Lecturer, Department of Architectural History, Theory and Composition, University of Seville


Ester Alba Pagan

Department of History of Art, University of Valencia


José Alberto Alonso Campanero
Founder and Director of Proskene Conservation and Cultural Heritage


José Javier Álvarez García



Fabio Andreassi

Lecturer of the University of Sassari - Alghero


Mauro Agnoletti

Director of the Landscape and Cultural Heritage Laboratory, University of Florence


José Manuel Aladro Prieto

Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas | Universidad de Sevilla  


Jose Manuel Almansa Moreno

Department of History of Art, University of Jaén


Esther Almarcha Núñez-Herrador

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Castilla - La Mancha


Amaya Alzaga Ruiz

Teaching Tutor, Department of History of Art, National University of Distance Learning (UNED)


Rosana Aguerregaray Castiglione

National University of Cuyo, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design


Jorge Angas Pajas

Department of Sciences of Antiquity, University of Zaragoza


Xurxo M. Ayán Vila
Doctor in History and independent archaeologist


Elisa Bailliet Fernandez

Lecturer in Fundamentals of Architecture, King Juan Carlos University


Pilar Barraca Ramos

Technical Advisor to the Subdirectorate General for the Protection of Historical Heritage, Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport


Juan Manuel Barrios Rozúa

Department of Architectural Constructions, University of Granada


Margarita Becedas González

Director of the General Historical Library of the University of Salamanca


Ana Bedate Centeno

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce, University of Valladolid

María Pilar Biel Ibáñez

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Zaragoza


María Luisa Bellido Gant
Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Carmen Bermúdez Sánchez

Senior Lecturer, Department of Painting, University of Granada


Fernando Bonete Vizcaino

Lecturer in Digital Communication, CEU San Pablo University


Juan Bravo Bravo

Senior Lecturer, Department of Architectural Composition, Polytechnic University of Valencia


Juan Calatrava Escobar

Department of Architectural Constructions, University of Granada


Cecilia Calderón Puente

Doctor in Architecture, Lecturer and Researcher, Autonomous University of Chihuahua


Rosario Camacho

Full Professor of History of Art, University of Malaga


Gregorio Canales Martínez

Full Professor, University of Alicante


Juan Cañavate Toribio

Art historian and archaeologist


Alejandro Cañestro Donoso

Doctor in History of Art, Lecturer at the University of Alicante


Lola Caparrós Masegosa

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


César Carreras Monfort

Senior Lecturer, Department of Science in Classical Antiquity, Autonomous University of Barcelona


Joaquín Casado de Amezúa Vázquez

Senior Lecturer, Department of Graphic Expression in Architecture and Engineering, University of Granada


Carolina Castañeda López



Agustín Castellanos Miguélez

Teacher, Vocational School of León


Agustín Castillo Martínez

Substitute Teaching Tutor, University of Jaén


Angie Castellón Valderrama

Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Carlos Castro Brunetto

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of La Laguna


Eugenio Cejudo García

Senior Lecturer, Department of Human Geography, University of Granada


Victoria Eugenia Chamorro Martínez

Doctor in History of Art, Secretary General of the Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and Generalife


Francisco Contreras Cortés

Full Professor, Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of Granada


José Policarpo Cruz Cabrera

Senior Lecturer in History of Art, University of Granada


Domingo Cuellar Villar

Associate Lecturer of the Department of Applied Economics I and Economic History and Institutions (and Moral Philosophy), King Juan Carlos University


Eduardo Delgado Orusco

Junior Lecturer, School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Zaragoza


Blanca Del Espino Hidalgo

Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning, University of Seville


Bartomeu Deya Tortella

Associate Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of the Balearic Islands

Elena Díez Jorge

Associate Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Mª Concepción Díez-Pastor Iribas
Doctor in Architecture, Association for Composition and Theory of Architecture research (ACTA)

José Domingo Sánchez Martínez

Full Professor of the Department of Anthropology, Geography and History, University of Jaén


Emilio Escoriza Escoriza.

Museum Curator, Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and Generalife, Granada


Cristina Escudero Remirez

Technician of the Planning, Research and Dissemination Service of the Directorate General of Heritage of the Autonomous Government of Castile and Leon and Coordinator of the Heritage Emergency Unit of Castile and Leon


Blanca Espigares Rooney



Miguel Ángel Espinosa Villegas

Senior Lecturer, Department of Art History and Music, University of Granada


Valter Fabietti

Lecturer, D’Annunzio University of Chieti - Pescara


Justus Feneer

Researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Gabriel Fernández Adarve

Architect and Associate Lecturer of the UGR


Silvia Fernández Cacho

Head of the Cultural Landscape Laboratory of the IAPH


Belén María Fernández Castro

Junior Lecturer, University of Santiago de Compostela (accredited to tenured post)


Noelia Fernández García

Doctor in History of Art, Department of Art History and Musicology of the University of Oviedo

Begoña Fernández Rodríguez

Lecturer in the Department of History of Art, University of Santiago de Compostela


José Antonio Fernández Ruiz

Senior Lecturer, Department of Graphic Expression in Architecture and Engineering, University of Granada


Víctor Fernández Salinas

Senior Lecturer, Department of Human Geography, University of Seville


Amparo Ferrer Rodríguez

Senior Lecturer, Department of Human Geography, University of Granada


Salvador Gallego Aranda

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Francisco Javier Gallego Roca

Full Professor, Department of Architectural Constructions, University of Granada


Eva Gamero Ruiz

Territorial Planning, Andalusian Autonomous Government


Antonio Gámiz Gordo

Architect and Senior Lecturer at the University of Seville


Ana García Bueno

Senior Lecturer, Department of Painting, University of Granada


Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz

Department of Medieval History, University of Granada


David García Cueto

Senior Lecturer in History of Art, University of Granada


Pilar García Cuetos

Senior Lecturer, Department of Art History and Musicology, University of Oviedo


Amparo García Iglesias

Doctor in Fine Arts, Artemisia Heritage Management


Javier García Fernández

Department of Constitutional Law, University of Alicante


Manuel García Luque

Doctor in History of Art and Substitute Teaching Tutor, University of Seville


Tomas García Píriz

Doctor in Architecture and Junior Lecturer, ETSA of the University of Granada


Marisol García Torrente

Doctor in Architecture, Lecturer of the ETSA of the University of Granada


Ubaldo García Torrente

Permanent Teaching Fellow, Department of Graphic Expression in Architecture and Engineering of the University of Granada


Antonio Garrido Almonacid

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy and Photogrammetry at the University of Jaén


Alexandra Georgescu Paquin

Doctor in History of Art and Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Innovation in Tourism Management, CETT-UB


Encarnación Gil Meseguer

Senior Lecturer in Regional Geographical Analysis, University of Murcia


Cristina Giménez Navarro

Department of History of Art, University of Zaragoza 


Ignacio Gómez Arriola

Doctor in Architecture from the Michoacan University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Master in Architectural Science from the University of Guadalajara


María del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola

Full Professor of History of Art, Department of Geography, History and Philosophy, Pablo de Olavide University


José Antonio González Alcantud

Full Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Granada


Ángela González Quesada

Graduate in History of Art, Fundación Albaicín


Ignacio González-Varas Ibáñez

Full Professor of Architectural Composition, Toledo School of Architecture, University of Castilla-La Mancha


Ana Eulalia Goy-Diz

Lecturer in History of Art, University of Santiago de Compostela


Alicia Graciela Villafañe

Emeritus Full Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Central Buenos Aires (UNICEN) Argentina - Director of the Master's Degree in Social Anthropology (UNICEN)


Xavier Greffe

Emeritus Full Professor, Paris I University

Rodrigo Gutiérrez Viñuales

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art and Music, University of Granada


Jorge Hermosilla Pla

Doctor in Geography and Lecturer of the Department of Geography, University of Valencia


Ascensión Hernández Martínez

Lecturer in History of Art, University of Zaragoza


Francisca Hernández Hernández

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, Complutense University of Madrid


María Luisa Hernández Ríos

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Science Didactics, University of Granada 


Sebastián Herrero Romero

Doctor in Architecture, Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba


Izaskun Herrojo Salas

General Archive of the Nation, Dominican Republic


Ángel Isac Martínez de Carvajal

Full Professor, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Joaquín Martínez Pino

Permanent Lecturer of the Department of History of Art, National University of Distance Education (UNED)


Marcela Jaramillo

Heritage researcher


Belén Jiménez Fernandez-Palacios 

Doctor in Geotechnological Research and Development and Substitute Teaching Tutor, Department of Graphic Engineering of the University of Seville


Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas (in memoriam) 



Francisco Lamolda Álvarez

Head of the Intervention and Projects Department, Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and Generalife


Carmen Lizárraga Mollinedo

Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Economics, University of Granada


Rafael López Guzmán

Full Professor, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Carmen López Pertíñez

Doctor in History of Art, Fundación Pública Andaluza Rodríguez-Acosta


Jesús Pedro Lorente Lorente

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Zaragoza


María del Mar Lozano Bartolozzi

Full Professor, Department of History of Art, University of Extremadura


Mónica Luengo Añon

Doctor in History of Art, Chair of the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes ICOMOS-IFLA


Maider Maraña Saavedra

Researcher, UNESCO Chair on Cultural Landscapes and Heritage (UPV/EHU)

José María Martín Civantos

Permanent Lecturer, Department of Medieval History, University of Granada


Mariano Martín García

Department of Architectural Constructions, University of Granada 

Marcelo Martín Guglielmino



David Martín López

Junior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Antonio Martín Pradas



Lara Martínez Díaz



Celia Martínez Hidalgo

Doctor in Urbanism, Territorial Planning and Environmental Studies and Lecturer at UCN Antofagasta (Chile)


Joaquín Martínez Pino

Department of History of Art, National University of Distance Education (UNED)


Rafael Mata Olmo

Full Professor of Regional Geographical Analysis, Geography Department of the Autonomous University of Madrid


Santos M. Mateos Rusillo

Senior Lecturer, University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (Barcelona)


Antonio José Mezcua López

Asian Studies Group, University of Granada


Soraya de Fátima Mira Godinho Monteiro Genin

Architect of the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon


Juan Antonio Mirá Rico

Teaching assistant, Open University of Catalonia (UOC)


Manel Miro Alaix

Director of the Planning Department of "Stoa-comunicación del patrimonio"


Pilar Mogollón Cano-Cortés

Department of History of Art, University of Extremadura 


Juan Carlos Molina Gaitán

Associate Lecturer of the Department of Architecture and Building Technology, Polytechnic University of Cartagena


Fernando Molinero Hernando

Department of Geography, University of Valladolid


Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Santiago de Compostela


María Moral Jimeno

Department of Geography, History and Philosophy, University of Pablo de Olavide


Eva María Morales Rodríguez

Senior Lecturer, Department of Ancient History, University of Granada


Isidro Moreno Sánchez

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Information Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid


María Morente del Monte

Director of the Museum of Malaga


Eduardo Mosquera Adel

Full Professor of Architectural History, Theory and Composition, University of Seville


Fernando Moya Muñoz


Rafael Navarro-Domínguez

Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME-CSIC)


Juan Carlos Olmo García

Permanent Lecturer, Department of Graphic Expression in Architecture and Engineering


Isabel Ordieres Díez

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Alcalá de Henares


Margarita Orfila Pons

Department of Prehistory and Archaeology, University of Granada


Antonio Orihuela Uzal

Architect, School of Arab Studies, C.S.I.C., Granada


Teresa María Ortega López

Senior Lecturer, Department of Contemporary History, University of Granada


Antonio Ortega Ruiz

Specialist Technician, CAEDER


Fernando Osuna Pérez

Doctor in Urbanism, Territorial Planning and Environmental Studies, Urbanism and Territorial Planning Laboratory of the University of Granada


José Antonio Padrón Conde



Jordi Padrò Werner

Heritage consultant and Director of Stoa


Joana Maria Palou Sampol

Director of the Museum of Mallorca


Milagros Palma Crespo

Associate Lecturer, Department of Architectural Constructions, ETSA of the University of Granada


Mariana Patiño Osorio

President of ICOMOS Colombia


Araceli Pereda Alonso

President of Hispania Nostra


María Teresa Pérez Cano

Senior Lecturer, Department of Urbanism and Territorial Planning, University of Seville

Gloria Pérez Córdoba

Art Historian


Rafael Perez de la Concha

Head of the Tourism Unit of Córdoba City Council and Regional Coordinator for Southern Europe/Mediterranean OWHC


Beatriz Pérez Galán

Doctor in Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, UNED


Francisco Pérez Gallego

Junior Lecturer, Central University of Venezuela


María Dolores Ponce Sánchez

Doctor in Geography, Associate Lecturer, La Merced Campus, University of Murcia


Noelia Principi

Department of Social Sciences, National University of Luján


José Miguel Puerta Vílchez

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


José Ramón Puerto




Ana María Quesada Acosta

Senior Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, University of La Laguna


María Ángeles Querol Fernández

Department of Prehistory, Complutense University of Madrid


Victoria Quirosa García

Permanent Lecturer, Department of Historical Heritage (Art History Area), University of Jaén 


Juan-José Raposo-González

Predoctoral Researcher, University of Seville


Rosa Ricoy Casa

Department of Sociology and Political Science, University of Vigo


Sonia Ríos Moyano

Senior Lecturer in History of Art, University of Malaga


Francisco José Rodríguez Marín 

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Malaga


Laura Rodríguez Peinado

Department of History of Art, Complutense University of Madrid


Javier Rivera Blanco

Full Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Alcalá de Henares


José Manuel Rodríguez Domingo

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Ignacio Rodríguez Temiño

Museum Curator, Archaeological Ensemble of Carmona


Ángela Rojas

Architect, Cuba


Aroa Romero Gallardo

Doctor in History of Art, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


Guadalupe Romero Sánchez

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Science Didactics, University of Granada


Monica Rossana Ferrari

Specialist, Fundación Ortega y Gasset Argentina – Spain


Lourdes Royo Naranjo

Department of Architectural History, Theory and Composition, University of Seville


María Dolores Ruiz de Lacanal Ruiz-Mateos

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Seville


Diana Sánchez Mustieles

Doctor in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Valencia


Francisco Sánchez Sánchez

Doctor of the University of Granada, Baccalaureate Teacher of Geography and History


Luis Sazatornil Ruiz

Senior Lecturer, Department of Modern and Contemporary History (Art History Area), University of Cantabria


David Ruiz Torres

Doctor in History of Art from the University of Granada


Jesus Angel Sánchez García

Senior Lecturer in History of Art, University of Santiago de Compostela


Juan Antonio Sánchez López

Full Professor of History of Art, University of Malaga


Rocío Silva Pérez

Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Seville


Julián Sobrino Simal

Senior Lecturer, Department of Architectural History, Theory and Composition, University of Seville


Miguel Ángel Sorroche Cuerva

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada 


Pascal Thierry Janin

Researcher into ICH and traditional crafts


Natalia Tielve García

Senior Lecturer in History of Art, University of Oviedo


María Pía Timón Tiemblo

Coordinator of the National ICH Safeguarding Plan, Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute


Nicolás Torices Abarca

Doctor in History of Art, Department of History of Art, University of Granada


David A. Torres Castro

University College London


Jordi Tresserras Juan

Associate Lecturer, Department of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Barcelona


Carmen Trillo San José

Senior Lecturer, Department of Medieval History and Historiographic Science and Techniques, University of Seville


Miguel Ángel Troitiño Vinuesa

Full Professor (in memoriam), Department of Geography, Complutense University


Irene Valle Corpas

Doctor in History of Art from the University of Granada


Elisa Valero Ramos

Department of Graphic Expression in Architecture and Engineering, University of Granada


Clara Verazzo

Department of Architecture, D’Annunzio University of Chieti - Pescara


Eva Vicente Hernández

Lecturer of Applied Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Valladolid

Francisco Vidargas

National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico  


Ana Villa Díaz

Technician, Fundación Doñana


María del Mar Villafranca Jiménez

Lecturer in Art and Design, Former Director of the Board of Trustees of the Alhambra and Generalife, Doctor in History of Art


Emilio Ángel Villanueva Muñoz

Senior Lecturer, Department of History of Art, University of Granada 


Ana Yáñez Vega

Permanent Lecturer, Complutense University of Madrid


Florencio Zoido Naranjo

Full Professor, Department of Physical Geography and Regional Geographical Analysis, University of Seville