Interventions in the bars of the cathedral of Leon under the direction of Juan Bautista Lazaro (1892-1895)


  • Jorge Diez García-Olalla Doctor Arquitecto. Codirector de “Sáenz de Miera Arquitectos”



Heritage restoration, 19th century, Leon Cathedral, Juan Bautista Lázaro, Bars


During the interventions carried out in the 19th century in the Cathedral of Leon, the architect and restorer Juan Bautista Lazaro undertook the restoration of the inner bars of the temple. These interventions were very important for our country, as they prompted the creation of workshops of forging, embossed and bronze casting. Furthermore, these workshops gave rise to a school of gatekeeper, resurfacing this lost job in Spain in that moment. This article aims to show the interventions that under his direction were made in the bars of said temple, as well as the criteria that guided them.


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Author Biography

Jorge Diez García-Olalla, Doctor Arquitecto. Codirector de “Sáenz de Miera Arquitectos”

Doctor Arquitecto. Codirector de “Sáenz de Miera Arquitectos”.


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How to Cite

Diez García-Olalla J. (2017). Interventions in the bars of the cathedral of Leon under the direction of Juan Bautista Lazaro (1892-1895). Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (20), 23.



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