The King is Naked! Authenticity and conservation of Le Corbusier’s architectural works 50 years after his death
Conservation, restoration, preservation, modern architecture, authenticityAbstract
The reception of Le Corbusier’s cultural heritage is a complicated and many-fold matter that implies a critical analysis of his works, which also considers issues concerning its conservation and transmission to the future.
Achieved between the Twenties and the Sixties, Le Corbusier’s architectural works have inevitably weathered and, in many cases, have fallen in a pathologic disrepair. Conservation works, restorations, reconstructions and repairs have then modified its consistency and, also, its state of authenticity. This wide range of experiences shows that the true aim is here to maintain Le Corbusier’s heritage in an ever-lasting intactness, acknowledging its symbolic and iconic values, much more than historical and memory ones. Consequently, as time goes by, historians become unaware toft e fact that they ponder upon architectural works that are being thoroughly modified, transformed and altered. Their critical assessments are, in fact, based upon an ever-changing heritage, and this influences the making of architectural history and the transmission of this heritage.
Fifty years after Le Corbusier's death is time for historical balances, which imply a previous evaluation of what still persists of his works and the understanding of how and why this heritage has been modified, carefully considering what is still materially ‘authentic’. Such evaluation seems today essential in view of a truthful conservation of Le Corbusier’s architectural heritage, and beyond.
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