The archaeological future of Athens through the analysis of its archaeological parks


  • Julia García González Licenciada en Historia del Arte. Investigadora predoctoral. Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada


Athens, Modern architecture, Archaeology, Archaeological park, Heritage protection, Valorization, Museum


Since the 20th century we are witnessing many examples of archaeological sites valorization and renovation by means of creating ex novo structures. Pioneer case studies in this regard are some Athens' archaeological parks where new museums have been created in order to exhibit the material culture discovered. This article classifies the different ways in which archaeology and modern architecture are combined in the city and studies in depth the connections between archaeological heritage and modern constructions in archaeological parks, also considering their relevance in the urban evolution of the city centre.


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Author Biography

Julia García González, Licenciada en Historia del Arte. Investigadora predoctoral. Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada

Licenciada en Historia del Arte. Investigadora predoctoral. Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada.


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How to Cite

García González, J. (2015). The archaeological future of Athens through the analysis of its archaeological parks. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (16), 181–203. Retrieved from



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