The materialization of the nearest memory. Two examples of religious architecture during Franco’s dictatorship in Asturias: an underestimated and endangered heritage


  • Noelia Fernández García Colaboradora de la Universidad de Oviedo


Art History, Religious architecture, Franco’s dictatorship, Reconstruction, Renovation, Asturias


The analysis of the architecture carried out during Franco’s dictatorship has experienced a significant evolution due to new studies which go from the most general views to investigations focused on specific organisms. However, religious architecture seems to have been set aside, especially in the Princedown of Asturias, in spite of its ability to show the unity between aesthetics and ideology during this period. Considering these gaps, this paper aims to encourage the heritage recognition, preservation and valorization of this religious architecture, basing on bibliographic studies, heuristic work and field work.


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Author Biography

Noelia Fernández García, Colaboradora de la Universidad de Oviedo

Colaboradora de la Universidad de Oviedo


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How to Cite

Fernández García, N. (2015). The materialization of the nearest memory. Two examples of religious architecture during Franco’s dictatorship in Asturias: an underestimated and endangered heritage. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (16), 165–180. Retrieved from



General studies