Genesis of pivot windmills in Spain. Analysis of the controversy raised in La Palma Island, Canary Islands
Windmills, Cultural Heritage, Handmade technology, ConservationAbstract
This study focuses on the analysis of the “Pivot Type” windmills of the island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, whose origin and authorship have been subject of controversy. Despite their heritage importance, many of these windmills are not protected by the legislation of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands and are in a state of abandonment. The lack of exhaustive information and analysis has led to a lack of legislative protection of these heritage assets. The journalistic controversy that arose in the island in the second half of the 19th century provides documentary evidence of the existence of these windmills, which differ significantly from the “Tower Type” windmills common in Spain. The paper also provides fundamental data to urge the public administrations to set up the corresponding procedures for the declaration of the few “Pivot Type”
windmills that are still standing in the Canary Islands
archipelago as Cultural Properties.
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