El papel de la comunidad en la salvaguardia del patrimonio ferroviario cubano





patrimonio industrial, patrimonio ferroviario, Cuba, comunidad, gestión, investigación, industrial heritage, railway heritage, Cuba, community, management, research


The multiple realities that make up the notion of any heritage are united in one constant: the community. From emotional attachment to self-recognition in assets, uses or traditions that mark their reality, it is feeling and knowing that they are part of this cultural heritage that guarantees their survival as such. And the case of the Cuban railway heritage is no stranger to this truth.

However, the complex Cuban socio-economic and cultural reality has determined that this relationship of collective identification with the railway heritage is easy to separate between the levels of rapprochement, effectiveness, and impact of different actors that influence it. Consequently, there are three large nuclei: the academic, the digital community, and the “real” community. Each has a determining role in the current situation of this heritage. They might determine what can transcend and what would be forgotten, as well as the development of the management and protection assumed by the state authorities.

Only through the overlap of all social factors in the context of the Cuban railway heritage will it be possible to appreciate it as a whole. And only then will it be possible to overcome its current state of endangerment and thus occupy the relevant role that it has always had in the conformation and reality of the Cuban nation.


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Author Biography

Lays Díaz Ramirez, Universidad de Jaén

Doctoranda en Patrimonio Histórico por la Universidad de Jaén, con estudio comparado entre el patrimonio ferroviario cubano, español y británico; Máster en estudios avanzados en Patrimonio: Historia, Arte y Territorio, por la Universidad de Jaén en 2018; Licenciada en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de La Habana en 2015.

Ha trabajado como especialista en Artes Plásticas en la Casa de las Américas, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Díaz Ramirez, L. (2023). El papel de la comunidad en la salvaguardia del patrimonio ferroviario cubano. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (32), 202–224. https://doi.org/10.30827/erph.32.2023.25327


