Determinants of cultural motivation in destination choice


  • Juan Nicolau Profesor Titular del Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad y Marketing. Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad de Alicante


Cultural tourism, Tourist choice behaviour, Probabilistic choice models


The objective of this article is to analyse the determinants of tourists’ cultural motivation when choosing a destination. To this end, several research hypotheses are proposed regarding socio-demographics, psychographics and tourist behaviour. The empirical application carried out on a national sample of 2.127 individuals allows us to conclude that higher educational levels, smaller household sizes, greater interest in knowing new places and less price sensitivity bring about greater cultural motivation. Especially conspicuous is the curvilinear effect obtained for the variable age: initially increases and then, after a point, it starts decreasing. Considering the importance of these dimensions, managerial implications for cultural destinations are straightforward.


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Author Biography

Juan Nicolau, Profesor Titular del Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad y Marketing. Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad de Alicante

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad y Marketing. Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad de Alicante.


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How to Cite

Nicolau, J. (2015). Determinants of cultural motivation in destination choice. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, 76–94. Retrieved from



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