Museology confronting the challenges of the 21st century
Museology, Global Heritage, Site Museums, Show Presentations, Scientific Museums, Biomuseology, Cultural Centres, Management and Marketing, Cultural TourismAbstract
The effect of globalization has led Museology to experiment a strong impact, the reason to analyze the causes of the rising of new aspects affecting the working of present-day museums and the way to create different points of view of Museology. This implies that Museology can be considered as the science of Heritage, always opened to a great range of museum structures. Site museums and show presentations are different attempts to include visitors inside of the museum reality, to achieve their personal implication and know the importance of its protection and preservation, having in mind the ecological and environmental implications supported by Biomuseology. On the other hand, Cultural Centres, management and marketing of collections are reasons to consider that museums are also spaces of cultural and commercial consuming, so their management must be well performed, since the rising interest for knowledge and enjoyment of the cultural and natural heritage, thanks to cultural tourism. Museology must not put aside the challenges of the 21st century; with creativity and imagination, Museology must answer the questions that society makes about the necessity of understanding heritage as a global reality able to assume any dimension affecting the human being as a whole.

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