Workflow for 3D digitization using photogrammetry of polychrome wood carvings of the Holy Christ of Blood and his ange
Cultural Heritage, Easter Week, 3D Scannin, Photogrammetry, Structure fromAbstract
This paper presents the case of the statue of Christ shedding his Sacred Blood, which is the head of one of the oldest brotherhoods in Spain whose history, artistic value and progressive structuraldegradation required urgent action. It also describes the study of the child angel who collects his blood with a chalice, while three of the five angels that originally accompanied him are still missing. This article aims to be an example of the potentialof 3D digitalization for the restoration and recovery of heritage, as well as for its safeguarding. This is the first process of this methodology developed for the Easter Weeksculptures in the Region of Murcia (Spain), and in addition to the detailed technical execution of the process, the article focuses on the validation of the workflow developed, the technical verification of the quality of the results obtained, and in the future applications of the resulting 3D models for the owner, the “Archicofradíade la Preciosísima Sangre” of Murcia.
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