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  • Erika Gonzalez García Universidad de Granada
  • Helena Chacón-López Universidad de Granada
No. 14 (2018), Articles, pages 21-35
Submitted: May 28, 2018 Accepted: May 28, 2018 Published: Sep 14, 2018
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Today we live in a society, which we call "Knowledge Society". Pawel Kuczynski, through his work, expect to show a critical vision of the main problems at a global level, inviting us to reflect on them. Presently, we believe that through the new technologies and Internet there is a greater ease to diffuse this type of works to reach them all parts of the world. Thus, the main goal of this paper is to analyze and reflect on the Pawel Kuczynski illustrations from a pedagogical vision, as an educational resource and sociocultural critic. In this sense, the historians of education emphasize the study of its content, beyond the reality that a photograph can bring in a snapshot.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez García, E., & Chacón-López, H. (2018). Pawel Kuczynski; illustrations; educational resource; sociocultural critic; Internet. DEDiCA. Revista De Educação E Humanidades, (14), 21–35.