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  • Bartolomeu Paiva Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
No. 13 (2018), Articles, pages 153-164
Submitted: Mar 21, 2018 Accepted: Mar 21, 2018 Published: Mar 22, 2018
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School is an identity in which learning, and knowledge reproduction should create an educational and formative culture that induces a renewed understanding of social daily life and is in line with the emergence of the complexities of our times.

Based on this assumption and the expectation of the school's position beyond its epistemological vocation, we defend a curricular vision that integrates ecological, aesthetic/ethical and civic references capable of declaring it as a center of knowledge, culture and leisure, in which the interdisciplinary paradigm determines learning and knowledge that contribute to alternative and qualified forms of social behavior.

In the study field of design, it is important to consider its mediating role in the acquisition of theoretical and practical competences applied to the physical, digital and social intercontext, that is, a strategic vision that does not reduce the design to the mere function or technical predetermination of the thing, but instead sets it as a didactic and pedagogical field of study in the clearer interpretation and understanding of the meanings and phenomena of the contemporary world - opposite to the globalizing tendency to reduce it to mere consuming and power "object".

It is within these views framework that education and training institutions in the areas of arts and technology, in which design stands, should broaden and promote the development of critical flexibility skills to build, rebuild and renew knowledge guided towards the reproduction of demonstrations of user-friendliness and social approach, with direct impact on the citizens’ educational and formative culture.


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How to Cite

Paiva, B. (2018). Design, Education and Training. A transversal and situated vision. DEDiCA. Journal of Education and the Humanities, (13), 153–164.