Feminine non-formal learning through musical contents in periodic press during francoism. A bibliographical approach
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Francoism exacerbated women role as moral and homeland regeneration manager, resulting in an encouragement of a series of behaviors through education. As a result, the regime took advantage of the Sección Femenina of Falange to develop a wide range program of ideological, moral and domestic training that was intended to consolidate a traditional feminine model. Therefore, publications by the Sección Femenina expected to indoctrinate women in Falangismo through means of communication and so the council for Prensa and Propaganda was created, therefore regulating all women magazines, as they became efficient tools for disseminating the new ideological model. This paper exhaustively analyses bibliographical sources to establish convergences and divergences among national identity, music, gender and non-formal training during the early years of Francoism in feminine periodic press.